John Daly

On 28-4-1966 John Daly (nickname: Long John) was born in Carmichael, California. He made his 2 million dollar fortune with PGA Champion. The golfer his starsign is Taurus and he is now 58 years of age.
The 58-year old son of father (?) and mother(?) John Daly in 2025 photo. John Daly earned a  million dollar salary - leaving the net worth at  million in 2025

John Daly Facts & Wiki

Where does John Daly live? And how much money does John Daly earn?

Birth Date 28-4-1966
Heritage/origin American
Ethnicity White
Religion - believes in God? Christian
Residence He owns a house in Memphis, Tennessee.

John Daly Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

John Daly has a net worth of $65 million from his golfing career. His greatest on course accomplishments are his "zero to hero" victory in the 1991 PGA Championship. Besides golfing, John also involves in multiple successful businesses including music career and gold course design company.

Estimated Net Worth 2 million Dollar
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 55 Richest Actors Alive in 2025
Yearly Salary N/A
These Are The 10 Best-Paid Television Stars In The World
Product Endorsements LoudMouth Golf Apparel
Colleagues Tiger Woods, Fred Couples & Phil Mickelson


    John Daly's Boise house features a solid base color of white. The exterior walls are made of coursed sandstone over the frame on the first floor, while the frame of the second floor is covered by stucco.

  • John Daly house in Boise, Idaho
  • Boise, Idaho house

  • John Daly house in San Francisco
  • San Francisco house


    Photo of John Daly  - car

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John Daly: Fiancée, Dating, Family & Friends

John Daly has four marriages in the past. He started dating Anna Cladakis in 2007 and got engaged after seven years of dating. Daly asserted that Anna Cladakis has brought a lot of positivity into his life.

John Daly with desirable, Fiancée Anna Cladakis

Who is John Daly dating in 2025?

Relationship status Engaged (Since 2008)
Sexuality Straight
Current Fiancée of John Daly Anna Cladakis
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives Dale Crafton, Bettye Fulford, Paulette Dean Daly, Sherrie Miller
More info Was previously married and divorced
Has any kids? Yes, father of: Shynah Hale, Sierra Lynn, John Patrick
Will the upcoming wedding of American golfer John Daly and current Fiancée, Anna Cladakis survive 2025?


He might have befriended Tiger Woods, Fred Couples & Phil Mickelson, but what about family? Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:

    Jim Daly (Father)
    Lou Daly (Mother)
    Shynah Hale (Daughter)
    Sierra Lynn (Daughter)
  • Photo of John Daly  & his  Son  John Patrick
    John Patrick (Son)


  • Photo of John Daly  & his friend Donald Trump
    Donald Trump

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color

The Taurus with shirtless hefty body on the beach
John Daly smoking a cigarette (or weed)
This relaxed golfer originating from Carmichael, California has a hefty body & round face type.

Hair color Black
Hairstyle alternative
Beard or Mustache Beardless
Eye Color Dark Brown
Height 180 cm
Weight 84 kilo
Feet size N/A
Does John Daly smoke? Yes, regularly
Caught Smoking: These Are The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers
Does John Daly have a tattoo? No
These 50 Celebrity Tattoos Went Horribly Wrong
Fitness, workout and diet Due to obesity, John Daly started eating healthy and limits his alcoho intake. This in turn helped him to lost more than 100 pounds.

Official websites/fansites:

Does John Daly have official Social Media profiles?

Active on Twitter? Official Facebook profile? A Tumblr blog?

Follow this page to stay up to date about the latest gossip and rumors (plastic surgery, scandals, new photos or videos and so on) of John Daly!
