Origin stories: 20 celebrities when they were still young and innocent

16. Neil Patrick Harris – born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Image: younghollywoodhof.com

Neil Patrick looks very confident already, despite going through the insecure teenage years. Maybe because of the unconditioned love of father Ron and mother Sheila? His most famous role was in the hitseries How I Met Your Mother, where he played Barney the womanizer. Ironically, Neil Patrick is more attracted to men than to women.

Can’t get enough of Neil Patrick Harris? Here you can find more information!


15. Mariah Carey –  born in Huntington, New York, United States

Image: snakkle.com


Mariah gives us a very warm feeling every year around Christmas. As the performer of eightteen number 1 hits in the United States, she is one of the most succesful artists of all time. Who would’ve expected all that when she looked into the camera like this a couple decades ago? She surely changed in the way she dressed – not that much woolen sweaters in her closet anymore.
Can’t get enough of Mariah Carey? Here you can find more information!
