Desiree van Lunteren

On 30-12-1992 Desiree van Lunteren (nickname: Luntgod) was born in Almere, the Netherlands. She made her 0.1 million dollar fortune with Ajax Amsterdam, SC Freiburg, de Oranje Leeuwinnen. The female football player her starsign is Capricorn and she is now 32 years of age.
The 32-year old daughter of father (?) and mother(?) Desiree van Lunteren in 2025 photo. Desiree van Lunteren earned a 0.05 million dollar salary - leaving the net worth at  million in 2025

Desiree van Lunteren Facts & Wiki

Where does Desiree van Lunteren live? And how much money does Desiree van Lunteren earn?

Birth Date 30-12-1992
Heritage/origin Dutch
Ethnicity White
Religion - believes in God? Non-religious
Residence She lives together in an apartment in Freiburg, Germany.

Desiree van Lunteren Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Estimated Net Worth 0.1 million Euro
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 60 Richest Actresses in 2025
Yearly Salary 0.05 million
These Are The 10 Best-Paid Television Stars In The World
Product Endorsements BMW
Colleagues Vivianne Miedema, Shanice van de Sanden & Jackie Groenen
Management Sportlife Management


    Currently no houses listed.


She drives a sponsored BMW. She uploaded this picture of her brand new BMW to her Instagram and captioned it with: "Banden wisselen? Nee hoor gewoon een hele nieuwe auto @vanpoelgeestbmw 🤩 Op naar zeist voor 2 mooie wedstrijden met de oranjeleeuwinnen. #bmw". Thanks to Van Poelgeest BMW's!

  • BMW
    BMW - manufactured by BMW

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Desiree van Lunteren: Boyfriend, Dating, Family & Friends

She is together with Tim van Kippersluis. He is a physiotherapist at VeelBeter in Almere, the Netherlands. Together they form an amazing couple! Love is in the air..

Desiree van Lunteren with cool, cute, Boyfriend Tim van Kippersluis

Who is Desiree van Lunteren dating in 2025?

Relationship status Dating
Sexuality Straight
Current Boyfriend of Desiree van Lunteren Tim van Kippersluis
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands
Expecting a baby? She is not pregnant
Has any kids? No
Will the relationship of Dutch female football player Desiree van Lunteren and current Boyfriend, Tim van Kippersluis survive 2025?

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color

This cool cute female football player originating from Almere, the Netherlands has a athletic body & oval face type.

Hair color Regular blond
Hairstyle businessy
Eye Color Light Blue
Height 170 cm
Weight 67 kilo
Feet size N/A
Does Desiree van Lunteren smoke? No, never
Caught Smoking: These Are The 60 Most Shocking Celebrity Smokers
Does Desiree van Lunteren have a tattoo? Yes
These 50 Celebrity Tattoos Went Horribly Wrong
Fitness, workout and diet She loves football and does everything to stay in a perfect shape! But she does not have to do a lot for that - at Freiburg they have trainings the 'German way'. This means very physical and plenty of running.

Left lower arm  tattoo

Left lower arm tattoo

Does Desiree van Lunteren have official Social Media profiles?

Active on Twitter? Official Facebook profile? A Tumblr blog?

Follow this page to stay up to date about the latest gossip and rumors (plastic surgery, scandals, new photos or videos and so on) of Desiree van Lunteren!
