Margaret Atwood

On 18-11-1939 Margaret Atwood (nickname: Margaret) was born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She made her 20 million dollar fortune with Surfacing, The Handmaid's Tale & Cat's Eye . The writer (female) her starsign is Scorpio and she is now 85 years of age.
The 85-year old daughter of father (?) and mother(?) Margaret Atwood in 2025 photo. Margaret Atwood earned a  million dollar salary - leaving the net worth at  million in 2025

Margaret Atwood Facts & Wiki

Where does Margaret Atwood live? And how much money does Margaret Atwood earn?

Birth Date 18-11-1939
Heritage/origin Canadian
Ethnicity White
Religion - believes in God? Agnosticisme
Residence She owns a house in Toronto, Canada.

Margaret Atwood Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Margaret Atwood is a Canadian poet and novelist who has a net worth of $20 million. She has won multiple awards as a recognition of her work including the Booker Prize, Arthur C. Clarke Award, Governor General's Award, and the National Book Critics.

Estimated Net Worth 20 million Dollar
Celebrity Net Worth Revealed: The 60 Richest Actresses in 2025
Yearly Salary N/A
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Colleagues Alice Munro, Neil Gaiman & Toni Morrison


  • Margaret Atwood house in Toronto, Canada
  • Toronto, Canada house


    Currently no cars listed.
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Margaret Atwood: Single, Dating, Family & Friends

Margaret Atwood was married to writer Jim Polk from 1968 to 1973. She was then in a relationship with novelist Graeme Gibson and spent 43 years together until Gibson passed away from dementia. The couple has a daughter, Eleanor.

Margaret Atwood with nice, Single

Who is Margaret Atwood dating in 2025?

Relationship status Single
Sexuality Straight
Partner Currently in no confirmed relationship
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands Graeme Gibson & Jim Polk
More info Was previously married and divorced
Expecting a baby? She is not pregnant
Has any kids? Yes, mother of: Eleanor Atwood Gibson
Shall the Canadian writer (female) Margaret Atwood find love in 2025?


Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:

    Carl Edmund Atwood (Father)
    Margaret Dorothy Atwood (Mother)
  • Photo of Margaret Atwood  & her Brother  Harold Leslie Atwood
    Harold Leslie Atwood (Brother)

  • Ruth Atwood (Sister)
    Eleanor Atwood Gibson (Daughter)

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color

This passionate writer (female) originating from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada has a slim body & oval face type.

Hair color Grey
Hairstyle traditional
Eye Color Blue
Height 163 cm
Weight 45 kilo
Feet size N/A
Does Margaret Atwood smoke? No, never
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Does Margaret Atwood have a tattoo? No
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Official websites/fansites:

Does Margaret Atwood have official Social Media profiles?

Active on Twitter? Official Facebook profile? A Tumblr blog?

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